
Welcome to mnemoniq,
          your one-stop resource for mnemonics for any subject!

What is a mnemonic?

A mnemonic (pronounced "neh-MON-ick") is anything - be it a phrase, a picture, an acronym, a poem, anything - designed to help you remember something. You've probably heard them everywhere! A few commonly known examples:

  • "30 days has September" - used to remember which months have 30, 31, or 28 days

  • "I before E except after C" - used to remember spelling of many words in English such as "receive" and "friend"

  • "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" - used to remember the order of operations in arithmetic (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction)

  • " Every Good Boy Does Fine" - used to remember the notes on the lines on the treble clef (E, G, B, D, F)

  • Mnemonics don't just stop there though - they can be used for anything! The names of the seven seas. Gas laws for that chemistry test. Easy ways to add fractions. Verbs in French. The possibilities are endless!

    What is mnemoniq?

    mnemoniq is a constantly expanding collection of mnemonics, all in one place for easy access. No more having to search countless websites and forums ... anything you need is (or soon will be) right here! We don't limit ourselves to one mnemonic for a given topic either ... there could be five or six different ways to remember something, and maybe one of them could be just the one that will stick out to you!

    What makes mnemoniq so powerful is that YOU are involved! You can vote on which mnemonics are the most helpful and comment on what has helped you the most. And if you know one that's not on the site? Just send us a message in the box at the top of the page, and we'll post it for everyone to see. What if we don't have a mnemonic, and you really need one? Use the same box to request a mnemonic ... we'll try to custom-make one just for you

    So, next time you're studying something, come to us ... and memorize it quickly.